
When XMandarin wants to have fun, they......


When XMandarin wants to have fun, they do... XMandarin Events 糖球会 Tangqiuhui, happens every year in Qingdao. 茶艺 Tea Peaty, in China, we drink green tea in sunmmer, black tea in winter. 中国功夫 Chinese Kungfu, in China, there


Studying makes me happy![April Gift]


四月啦! 鲜花盛开,阳光灿烂, 当缤纷的彩蛋装扮着每一个角落, 复活节,又来临了! Happy Easter! It is April, which means the flowers are blooming at their fullest, the sun is shining and eggs are being decorated


We have a date with Spring!


Hello March! 中国有句话说,一年之计在于春。 春天是美好前景的开始,也是新一年的开局之时。 There is a chinese saying, A years plan starts with spring. Spring is the beginning of a bright future and the beginni


Happy Chinese New Year![February Gift]


Spring Festival is coming. XMandarin also get you a exquisite gift this month. Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year. For NEW Students Come to XMandarin to consult our courses to get: Chinese knot XMandain map


Happy New Year![January Gift]


After the short but joyful new year holidays, Are you ready to say hi to 2019? You must have lots of dream and plans to carry out! We hope Learning Chinese will be one of them :P In the New Year, XMandarin also has some new gifts for you. J


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XMandarin Qingdao

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    Floor 20th, Building A, Central international (zhonghuan) Plaza, No. 19 zhangzhou Er Lu, Qingdao, China
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