Contact Us

Contact us with your questions

Please fill in the fields below and we will try to help you

XMandarin Qingdao

  • Address:
    Room 2101, Building A, Central international (zhonghuan) Plaza, No. 19 zhangzhou Er Lu, Qingdao, China

XMandarin Chengdu

  • Address:
    Room 907, Nanyi Plaza, No.1 Lingshiguan Rd, Wuhou District, Chengdu, China
  • Call Us:
  • Mail Us:
  • Wechat:WhatsApp:

XMandarin Qingdao Location

XMandarin Chengdu Location

Chinese Public Holiday

Holiday Time Days
元旦 30th Dec. 2023-1st Jan. 2024 3
春节 10th -17th Feb.2024 8
清明节 4th -6th Apr. 2024 3
劳动节 1st -5th May 2024 5
端午节 8th -10th Jun. 2024 3
中秋节 15th -17th Sep. 2024 3
国庆节 1st -7th Oct. 2024 7

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 08:30-21:00
Saturday & Sunday 09:00-18:00

Chinese Public Holiday

Holiday Time Days
元旦 30th Dec. 2023-1st Jan. 2024 3
春节 10th -17th Feb.2024 8
清明节 4th -6th Apr. 2024 3
劳动节 1st -5th May 2024 5
端午节 8th -10th Jun. 2024 3
中秋节 15th -17th Sep. 2024 3
国庆节 1st -7th Oct. 2024 7