In the last video we learned measure words "yì shuāng/yí duì".
Today we're going to learn new measure words:“yí gè” and "yí wèì".
“一个” 和“一位”,他们表达的感情色彩不同。
“yí gè” and "yí wèì" express differently on feelings.
“yí gè” is usually using for a general term. It can followed by people and things as well.
一个“yí gè”
● a friend, a teacher, a boy,a girl
● a vase, a table, a chair
"yí wèì" is usually followed by people with jobs and status.
一位"yí wèì"
● a teacher, a doctor, a policeman
Then if we want to show respect, we can also say:
一位"yí wèì"
● a guest, a lady,a man, an old man
nǐ xué huì le me?
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